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120 products
Mexican Opals are distinguished by their vibrant yellow, orange, or orange-red hues. The gem's vivid hue has earned it the moniker "fire opal." The Mexican Opal, unlike genuine opal, does not usually have a color play. It compensates for this, though, with its stunning body color. It's one of the few opal kinds that can be successfully faceted, as certain specimens can be quite transparent. Mexican Opal prices and value vary depending on the size and grade of the gemstone. The bright orange and red colors are the most precious, whereas the lighter yellow and white colors are less so. Transparent samples are difficult to come by and are quite precious.
Origin: Mexico. Color: Yellow, orange, or orange-red. Clarity: Translucent to transparent. Cut: Facets. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone