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A type of Quartz that has different colors and types of inclusions is called Lodolite. This gemstone's inclusions most of the time look like landscapes, underwater scenes, gardens. This is what makes the gemstone magical. Lodolite is also called Inclusion Quartz, Lodalite, and Lodelite. It has various other names like; Garden Quartz, Scenic Quartz, and Landscape Quartz. This gemstone usually consists of Feldspar, Chlorite, and a bunch of other materials to reflect different colors. These color reflections can be green, cream, red, and orange. The clear quartz helps with healing vibrations. This gemstone has a bunch of properties to the crystal specimen. The gemstone is said to bring peace, tranquility, serenity, and spiritual insights.
Origin: Borneo, Indonesia. Color: Colorless with multi-colored inclusions. Clarity: Translucent. Cut: Facets. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone