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Dalmatian stone, often known as jasper, is a pale gray, cream, or beige-brown feldspar and quartz stone. Iron oxide, tourmaline, or other mineral inclusions in black or brown blotches mimic the coat of a Dalmatian dog. The jasper is mined in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Dalmatian stone is a foliated, huge, and homogeneous rock. Quartz, feldspars, principally mesoperthite, and subordinate alkali amphiboles made up the majority of the rock matrix. Secondary phases included epidote-group minerals, hematite, and goethite.
In the thin part, there are quartz crystals. Because they were frequently partially overrun by smaller feldspar crystals, crystals looked to have sharp edges. Some quartz crystals took on an oval shape when they came into touch with alkali amphiboles.
Origin: Chihuahua, Mexico. Color: Pale gray, cream, or beige-brown. Clarity: Opaque. Cut: Facets. Treatment: Untreated 100% Genuine Gemstone